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About Me

At my core, I see students as people first. Each student deserves dignity and respect as a human person. There are no "bad kids" or "tough kids". There are only kids that need different structures of support (and typically what benefits one has the potential to benefit many). I value being proactive in thinking about what students might need so that they do not start the year "without".


I resonate strongly in the use of appreciation not reward in building meaningful connections with students. Appreciation is important to cultivating students' intrinsic motivation towards tasks by removing physical rewards and making a point to acknowledge students successes in appreciating self, space, materials, and community. 

Teaching is a highly challenging profession. I truly will never have "everything figured out", and personally that is comforting. I will not say that I am ready for everything that comes at me, but I will do what it takes to be ready the next time. Students will only further my personal growth as not only a teacher, but as a person.


The education profession is always evolving- meaning that I will have to as well. I am dedicated to the call to change; to be a strong advocate for students and colleagues, and to understand the benefits of continual learning. In my management style I know things will change. I am dedicated to flexibility and revision. The needs of students will be different as time goes on- so I will continue to alter and advance the supports I offer. I will make it known that I do not know everything and that real success takes many tries. I am dedicated to a professional level of realness. I will express and model the behavior that I am looking for in students. Lastly, I am dedicated to cultivating students on their journey of finding intrinsic motivation and the benefit of learning and artistic choices for oneself. 

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